Stanley Shoveller



Stanley Howard Shoveller Military Cross, MC (2 September 1881 – 24 February 1959) was a field hockey player, who won a gold medal with the England team at the 1908 Summer Olympics in London. Twelve years later, when Antwerp hosted the 1920 Summer Olympics, he once again won the gold medal with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Great Britain and Ireland squad, at age 39. Shoveller played his club hockey for Hampstead & Westminster Hockey Club, Hampstead & Westminster. He was known as "the Prince of centre forwards" and "the immortal centre" for his prolific goal scoring – it's been estimated to be 'well over 500', remarkable in an era of 4-2-3-1 and sweepers. In World War I, he was awarded an MC for his service with the Rifle Brigade.Awarded the Military Cross


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* 1881 births 1959 deaths British Army personnel of World War I English male field hockey players English Olympic medallists Olympic field hockey players for Great Britain British male field hockey players Field hockey players at the 1908 Summer Olympics Field hockey players at the 1920 Summer Olympics Olympic gold medallists for Great Britain Olympic medalists in field hockey People educated at Kingston Grammar School Recipients of the Military Cross Rifle Brigade officers Medalists at the 1920 Summer Olympics Medalists at the 1908 Summer Olympics Hampstead & Westminster Hockey Club players {{England-fieldhockey-bio-stub